Northwest Florida State College (NWFSC) is a public institution and serves approximately 17,000 students annually at six full-time campuses. Bachelor's programs currently include a B.A.S. degree program in Project and Acquisitions Management. Northwest Florida State College has programs to prepare students for employment or provide additional training for persons previously or currently employed in the manufacturing, electronics, aerospace, or other related industries. NWFSC can provide customized training for businesses and industry. The college launched its Applied Welding Technologies program during fall semester 2013 to meet the demand for high-skill, high-wage jobs in Northwest Florida. Welding students have the opportunity to earn nationally recognized NCCER certification. Other nationally recognized certifications during the six-course program include Shielded Metal Arc Welder, Gas Metal Arc (MIG) Welder, Flux Core Arc Welder, Gas Tungsten Arc (TIG) Welder and Pipe Welder. Each certificate level provides proof of skill level in various forms of welding, cutting, base metal preparation, welding inspection, safety and metallurgy. In addition to a certificate, the Applied Welding Technologies program also provides a pathway to an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Engineering Technology. The Engineering Technology AS degree at Northwest Florida College offers a planned sequence of instruction tailored specifically for four specializations: Mechanical Design and Fabrication, Digital Design and Modeling Advanced Technology, and Digital Manufacturing. NWFSC College’s ET Degree supports a broad range of high tech manufacturing and high tech industry sectors including aviation and aerospace, electronics, metal fabrication, automated production and precision machinery. Additional programs at NWFSC include CAD, graphics, 3-D printing, machining, and electronics. In 2016, NWFSC was named one of the nation’s top 150 community colleges by the Aspen Institute.