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What is One Okaloosa EDC?

One Okaloosa EDC is a not-for-profit private-public partnership serving Okaloosa County as its primary economic development and business advocacy organization committed to the continual growth and diversification of its economy.

A not-for-profit organization exists to provide a public service to the community rather than to make a profit, accrue earnings...the primary objective of the organization is something other than making a money. Non-profit organizations typically rely on contributions (memberships) to fund the services they provide.

Every organization or entity that invests derives benefits from the One Okaloosa EDC's commitment to Okaloosa's industrial growth and unparalleled quality of living. 

Current Investors

One Okaloosa EDC Private and Public Partner Investor Directory

About our highest level of investment: 
Trustee investors are organizations or entities at the highest level. Their commitment to the One Okaloosa EDC's efforts, both in resources and involvement, reflect the highest level of support toward the community's economic growth. Each Trustee organization's chief executive officer or designated representative is a member of the One Okaloosa EDC Business Leadership Council.

Investment Levels

Interested in investing? Learn about our different levels!

Click here to learn more!

Legal Statement
© 2025, One Okaloosa EDC